Do participants who undergo a religious prime act more prosocially? Does it depend on whether they're religious? [link]
Are participants who nod their heads while listening to a strong argument more easily persuaded than participants who shake their heads listening to the same strong argument? What about a weak argument? [link]
However interesting you think these questions are, notice that they are aimed at specific groups under specific circumstances:
(1) religious (or non-relgious) people who have been primed with religious concepts (or not)
(2) people nodding or shaking while listening to strong or weak arguments
If you're bored reading the questions above (I hope not), then these next questions should nearly put you to sleep:
(1) Is there a difference in prosociality somewhere among religious and non-religious participants who undergo a religious prime (or not)?
(2) Is there a difference in persuadability somewhere among participants who nod or shake their head while listening to strong or weak arguments?
Psychologists (people, really) don't care whether differences exist somewhere among multiple groups or under multiple sets of circumstances. They care about specific differences between specific groups or under specific circumstances.
This is obvious to nearly everyone until they begin thinking about how to report the results of their experiment (or when they're reviewing results reported in a manuscript).
That's when they start testing (or requesting tests of) boring questions and littering journal space with those tests' results. Here's an example [link].
Incremental beliefs were significantly different across conditions, F(2, 65) = 3.64, p < .05, ηp2 =.10, ...To me, that means close to nothing. Of course, these authors report interesting comparisons later. But why should I care about whether the test above is p < .05 once I know any or all of the tests below are p < .05?
...greater number of these beliefs expressed in the self-compassion condition (M = .89, SD = .55, n = 22) compared to the self-esteem condition (M = .58, SD = .44, n = 26) and no intervention condition (M = .55, SD = .36, n = 20).
This is just an example. These authors did nothing wrong.
I'm just highlighting questions that don't need to be tested (e.g. do differences exist somewhere among 4 groups?) and statistics (e.g. F(3, 96) = 4.27) that don't need to be reported (at least not in the main text).
My point is that no one cares—really and truly—about whether one of these groups expresses significantly different numbers of incremental beliefs than another group without knowing
(1) which groups have different beliefs? (2 of them? All of them?) and
(2) different how and to what degree? (More beliefs? Fewer beliefs?)
Omnibus F tests (i.e. tests with more than 1 degree of freedom in the numerator) don't test interesting questions, even if interesting, testable comparisons exist among groups.
On the other hand, contrasts test specific comparisons between groups. If an interesting difference exists between groups or even groups of groups, contrasts can be used to estimate the direction and magnitude of that difference.
In this post, I show you how to test contrasts on a small variety of parameters (in R, of course):
(1) independent means
(2) independent proportions
(3) independent correlations
You can use the functions below to test contrasts on your own data.
You can even use them to test custom contrasts on data reported in published journal articles.
As demonstrations, I apply these functions to both simulated and 'real world' data. Enjoy.
Mean difference contrasts
Input: INDEPENDENT means, variances, sample sizes, contrast weights (each row of weights should have the same number of columns as there are means, variances, etc.), contrast labels (optional), alpha (defaults to .05)
Output: Table of results, which includes estimates for each contrast under the equal variance assumption or not
sep.var.cont <- function(means, vars, ns, contrast, labels = 1:nrow(contrast),alpha = .05) { ihat = contrast %*% means # welch welch.denom = sqrt(contrast^2 %*% (vars/ns)) t.welch = ihat/welch.denom # classic s.pooled = sqrt(sum((ns - 1)*vars)/(sum(ns) - length(ns))) classic.denom = s.pooled*sqrt(contrast^2 %*% (1/ns)) t.classic = ihat/classic.denom # if dimensions of contrast are NULL, num. of contrasts = 1, # if not, num. of contrasts = dimensions of contrast (num. dimensions of matrix = num. of contrasts) num.contrast = ifelse(is.null(dim(contrast)),1,dim(contrast)[1]) df.welch = rep(0,num.contrast) df.classic = rep(0,num.contrast) # makes rows of contrasts if contrast dimensions aren't NULL if (is.null(dim(contrast))) contrast = t(as.matrix(contrast)) # calculating degrees of freedom for welch and classic for(i in 1:num.contrast) { num = (contrast[i,]^2 %*% (vars))^2 den = sum((contrast[i,]^2 * vars)^2 / (ns-1)) df.welch[i] <- num/den df.classic[i] = sum(ns) - length(ns) } # p-values p.welch = 2*(1- pt(abs(t.welch),df.welch)) p.classic = 2*(1- pt(abs(t.classic),df.classic)) # 95% confidence intervals lwr.95.welch = ihat - welch.denom*qt(p = 1 - (alpha/2), df = df.welch) upr.95.welch = ihat + welch.denom*qt(p = 1 - (alpha/2), df = df.welch) lwr.95.classic = ihat - classic.denom*qt(p = 1 - (alpha/2), df = df.classic) upr.95.classic = ihat + classic.denom*qt(p = 1 - (alpha/2), df = df.classic) result = data.frame(cont = rep(labels, times = 2), equal.var = rep(c("assumed (classic)", "not assumed (Welch)"),each = num.contrast), ihat = rep(ihat,times = 2), se = c(classic.denom,welch.denom), t = c(t.classic, t.welch), df = c(df.classic,df.welch), pval = c(p.classic,p.welch), lwr.95 = c(lwr.95.welch,lwr.95.classic), upr.95 = c(upr.95.welch,upr.95.classic)) # rename confidence band columns names(result)[8:9] = paste0(c("lwr","upr"), substr(x = 1-alpha, start = 2, stop = 4)) return(result) }
Simulated data
set.seed(2) dat1 <- data.frame(id = 1:12, grp = rep(c('a','b','c','d'), each = 3), dv = c(rnorm(n = 3, mean = 0, sd = 1), rnorm(n = 3, mean = 1, sd = 1), rnorm(n = 3, mean = 0, sd = 1), rnorm(n = 3, mean = -1, sd = 1)))
Graph simulated data
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.3.2
ggplot(data = dat1, aes(x = grp, y = dv, fill = grp)) + stat_summary( = "mean_cl_normal", geom = "bar", color = 'black') + stat_summary( = "mean_cl_normal", geom = "errorbar", width = 0.1) + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_manual(values = c('red','blue','red','blue'))

Test main effects and interactions (simulated data)
sep.var.cont(means = by(data = dat1$dv, INDICES = dat1$grp, FUN = mean), vars = by(data = dat1$dv, INDICES = dat1$grp, FUN = var), ns = by(data = dat1$dv, INDICES = dat1$grp, FUN = length), contrast = rbind(c(1,1,-1,-1), c(1,-1,1,-1), c(1,-1,-1,1)), labels = c("main1", "main2","interact"), alpha = .05)
## cont equal.var ihat se t df ## 1 main1 assumed (classic) 0.6947419 1.090698 0.6369697 8.000000 ## 2 main2 assumed (classic) 1.0487004 1.090698 0.9614943 8.000000 ## 3 interact assumed (classic) -1.7460423 1.090698 -1.6008479 8.000000 ## 4 main1 not assumed (Welch) 0.6947419 1.090698 0.6369697 5.967952 ## 5 main2 not assumed (Welch) 1.0487004 1.090698 0.9614943 5.967952 ## 6 interact not assumed (Welch) -1.7460423 1.090698 -1.6008479 5.967952 ## pval lwr.95 upr.95 ## 1 0.5419386 -1.977579 3.3670629 ## 2 0.3644602 -1.623621 3.7210214 ## 3 0.1480782 -4.418363 0.9262787 ## 4 0.5477843 -1.820413 3.2098971 ## 5 0.3736246 -1.466455 3.5638556 ## 6 0.1607937 -4.261198 0.7691129
'Real world' data
From Study 1 of Eskine, Kacinik, & Prinz (2011) A Bad Taste in the Mouth: Gustatory Disgust Influences Moral Judgment
An overall moral-judgment score was obtained for each of the remaining 54 participants (bitter condition: n = 15; sweet condition: n = 18; control condition: n = 21) by averaging his or her ratings of the six vignettes.Results revealed a significant effect of beverage type, F(2, 51) = 7.368, p = .002, ηp2 = .224. Planned contrasts showed that participants’ moral judgments in the bitter condition (M = 78.34, SD = 10.83) were significantly harsher than judgments in the control condition (M = 61.58, SD = 16.88), t(51) = 3.117, p = .003, d = 1.09, and in the sweet condition (M = 59.58, SD = 16.70), t(51) = 3.609, p = .001, d = 1.22.
# data as vectors ekp2011.n.s1 <- c(15,18,21) ekp2011.mean.s1 <- c(78.34,59.58,61.58) <- c(10.83,16.70,16.88) # add to dataframe ekp2011.s1 <- data.frame(cond = factor(x = c('bitter', 'sweet', 'control'), levels = c('bitter', 'sweet', 'control'), labels = c('bitter', 'sweet', 'control')), n = ekp2011.n.s1, mean = ekp2011.mean.s1, sd = # compute margin of error (95% confidence) ekp2011.s1$moe <- with(data = ekp2011.s1, (sd/sqrt(n))*qt(p = 1 - .05/2, df = sum(ekp2011.n.s1) - length(ekp2011.n.s1)))
Graph 'real world' data
ggplot(data = ekp2011.s1, aes(x = cond, y = mean, fill = cond, ymin = mean - moe, ymax = mean + moe)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity',color = 'black') + geom_errorbar(stat = 'identity', width = 0.1) + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_manual(values = c('grey','yellow','white'))

Test contrasts ('real world' data)
sep.var.cont(means = ekp2011.s1$mean, vars = ekp2011.s1$sd^2, ns = ekp2011.s1$n, contrast = rbind(c(1,0,-1), c(0,1,-1), c(1,-1,0), c(2,-1,-1)), labels = c('bit.v.cntrl', 'swt.v.cntrl','bt.v.swt','bt.v.other'), alpha = .05)
## cont equal.var ihat se t df ## 1 bit.v.cntrl assumed (classic) 16.76 5.203288 3.2210405 51.00000 ## 2 swt.v.cntrl assumed (classic) -2.00 4.943884 -0.4045402 51.00000 ## 3 bt.v.swt assumed (classic) 18.76 5.380925 3.4863894 51.00000 ## 4 bt.v.other assumed (classic) 35.52 9.360295 3.7947521 51.00000 ## 5 bit.v.cntrl not assumed (Welch) 16.76 4.624669 3.6240430 32.08718 ## 6 swt.v.cntrl not assumed (Welch) -2.00 5.390936 -0.3709931 36.81653 ## 7 bt.v.swt not assumed (Welch) 18.76 4.828369 3.8853698 28.24051 ## 8 bt.v.other not assumed (Welch) 35.52 7.767833 4.5727037 43.80942 ## pval lwr.95 upr.95 ## 1 2.225715e-03 7.340861 26.179139 ## 2 6.875072e-01 -12.924912 8.924912 ## 3 1.016338e-03 8.873327 28.646673 ## 4 3.935690e-04 19.863037 51.176963 ## 5 9.912286e-04 6.313964 27.206036 ## 6 7.127690e-01 -11.925261 7.925261 ## 7 5.646187e-04 7.957342 29.562658 ## 8 3.925495e-05 16.728423 54.311577
Difference in proportion contrasts
Input: INDEPENDENT proportions, sample sizes, contrast weights (each row of weights should have the same number of columns as there are proportions and sample sizes), contrast labels (optional), alpha (defaults to .05)
Output: Table of results, where the estimates are logits
logit.test <- function(ps, ns, weights, labels = 1:ifelse(is.null(weights) == TRUE, 1, dim(weights)[1]), alpha = 0.5){ # compute logits from proportions logits = log(ps/(1-ps)) # compute their variances logit.vars = 1/(ns*ps*(1-ps)) # estimate ihat = weights %*% logits # standard error se = sqrt(sum(logit.vars)) # z-score test statistic z = ihat/se # two-tailed p-value pval = 2*(1 - pnorm(q = abs(z), mean = 0, sd = 1)) # confidence intervals lower = ihat - se*qnorm(p = 1 - alpha/2, mean = 0, sd = 1) upper = ihat + se*qnorm(p = 1 - alpha/2, mean = 0, sd = 1) # table of output output.table = data.frame(cont = labels, ihat, se, z, pval, lower, upper) # rename confidence band columns names(output.table)[6:7] = paste0(c("lwr","upr"), substr(x = 1-alpha, start = 2, stop = 4)) return(output.table) }
Simulated data
set.seed(2) dat2 <- data.frame(id = 1:12, grp = rep(c('a','b','c','d'), each = 3), dv = c(sample(x = c(0,1), size = 12, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.5,.5)), sample(x = c(0,1), size = 12, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.25,.75)), sample(x = c(0,1), size = 12, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.5,.5)), sample(x = c(0,1), size = 12, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.75,.25))))
Graph simulated data
ggplot(data = dat2, aes(x = grp, y = dv, fill = grp)) + stat_summary( = "mean_cl_normal", geom = "bar", color = 'black') + stat_summary( = "mean_cl_normal", geom = "errorbar", width = 0.1) + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_manual(values = c('red','blue','red','blue'))

Test main effects and interaction (simulated data)
logit.test(ps = by(data = dat2$dv, INDICES = dat2$grp, FUN = mean), ns = by(data = dat2$dv, INDICES = dat2$grp, FUN = length), weights = rbind(c(1,1,-1,-1), c(1,-1,1,-1), c(1,-1,-1,1)), labels = c("main1","main2","interact"), alpha = .05)
## cont ihat se z pval lwr.95 upr.95 ## 1 main1 -0.3566749 1.184724 -0.3010616 0.7633675 -2.6786917 1.965342 ## 2 main2 1.7025639 1.184724 1.4370973 0.1506904 -0.6194529 4.024581 ## 3 interact -0.3566749 1.184724 -0.3010616 0.7633675 -2.6786917 1.965342
Difference in correlation contrasts
Input: INDEPENDENT correlations, sample sizes, contrast weights (each row of weights should have the same number of columns as there are correlations and sample sizes), contrast labels (optional), null value (defaults to 0), alpha (defaults to .05)
Output: Table of results, where the estimate is the correlation difference
corr.cont <- function(r, n, weights, labels = 1:ifelse(is.null(weights) == TRUE, 1, dim(weights)[1]), null = 0, alpha = .05){ # convert to z z = atanh(x = r) # standard error se.squared = ifelse(n == 0, 0, 1/(n - 3)) # numerator z-observed z.obs.num = weights %*% z # denominator z-observed z.obs.denom = weights^2 %*% se.squared # convert null r to z rtoz.tran.rho = log((1 + null)/(1 - null))/2 # test z against null z ztest = (z.obs.num - rtoz.tran.rho)/sqrt(z.obs.denom) # p-value pval = 2*(1 - pnorm(q = abs(ztest), mean = 0, sd = 1)) # convert to r r.diff = tanh(x = z.obs.num) # confidence interval for ztest lower = z.obs.num - sqrt(z.obs.denom)*(qnorm(p = 1 - alpha/2, mean = 0, sd = 1)) upper = z.obs.num + sqrt(z.obs.denom)*(qnorm(p = 1 - alpha/2, mean = 0, sd = 1)) # confidence interval for ztest es.lwr = tanh(x = lower) es.upr = tanh(x = upper) # output table output = data.frame(cont = labels, r.diff, ztest, pval, es.lwr, es.upr) # name confidence intervals names(output)[5:6] = paste0(c("lwr","upr"), substr(x = 1-alpha, start = 2, stop = 4)) return(output) }
Simulated data
library(MASS) set.seed(3) # simulate 4 pairs of columns with defined correlations dat3 <- = rbind, args = lapply(X = c(0,.5,0,-.5), FUN = function(r){ mvrnorm(n = 12, mu = c(0,0), Sigma = matrix(data = c(1,r,r,1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)) } ) ) # those are my groups of n = 12 dat3 <- data.frame(id = 1:48, grp = rep(c('a','b','c','d'), each = 12), dat3)
Graph simulated data
ggplot(data = dat3, aes(x = X1, y = X2, fill = grp, color = grp)) + geom_point(color = 'black', shape = 21) + geom_smooth(method = 'lm') + facet_wrap(~grp, nrow = 1, ncol = 4) + theme_minimal() + guides(fill = FALSE) + scale_fill_manual(values = c('red','blue','red','blue')) + scale_color_manual(values = c('red','blue','red','blue'))

Test main effects and interaction (simulated data)
corr.cont(r = by(data = dat3[,c("X1","X2")], INDICES = dat3$grp, FUN = function(x) cor(x)[1,2]), n = by(data = dat3[,c("X1","X2")], INDICES = dat3$grp, nrow), weights = rbind(c(1,1,-1,-1), c(1,-1,1,-1), c(1,-1,-1,1)), labels = c("main1","main2","interact"), alpha = .05)
## cont r.diff ztest pval lwr.95 upr.95 ## 1 main1 0.7091334 1.328158 0.1841260 -0.3979443 0.9753607 ## 2 main2 -0.1267073 -0.191088 0.8484567 -0.8924905 0.8272152 ## 3 interact -0.6499941 -1.162933 0.2448568 -0.9693813 0.4864155
'Real world' data
From results section on pp. 1097 of Oishi, Kesebir, & Diener (2011) Income Inequality and Happiness
Gini coefficients showed a strong negative association with the mean happiness level of the lowest-20% income group, r(25) = −.54, p < .01, and the mean happiness level of the next lowest (20–40%) income group, r(25) = −.63, p < .01. That is, lower-income respondents’ happiness was lower in the years with more income inequality than in the years with less income inequality. In contrast, income inequality of the year was unrelated to the mean happiness of the middle (40–60%) income group, r(25) = −.12, p = .56, the upper-middle (60–80%) income group, r(25) = −.09, p = .65, and the top-20% income group, r(25) = .03, p = .88. <- c(-.54,-.63,-.12,-.09,.03) okd2011.ns1 <- c(26,26,26,26,26) # looks like 27 points on the scatterplot... okd2011.ns2 <- c(27,27,27,27,27) # combine in dataframe okd2011 <- data.frame(income.grp = factor(x = c('lowest-20%','lowest-20-40%','middle 40-60%','upper-middle 60-80%','top-20%'), levels = c('lowest-20%','lowest-20-40%','middle 40-60%','upper-middle 60-80%','top-20%'), ordered = TRUE), r =, n1 = okd2011.ns1, n2 = okd2011.ns2) # compute margin of error (95% confidence) okd2011$fisher.z <- with(data = okd2011, atanh(x = r)) okd2011$fisher.se1 <- with(data = okd2011, 1/sqrt(n1 - 3)) okd2011$fisher.se2 <- with(data = okd2011, 1/sqrt(n2 - 3)) okd2011$fisher.moe1 <- with(data = okd2011, fisher.se1*qnorm(p = 1 - .05/2, mean = 0, sd = 1)) okd2011$fisher.moe2 <- with(data = okd2011, fisher.se2*qnorm(p = 1 - .05/2, mean = 0, sd = 1)) okd2011$r.moe1.95 <- with(data = okd2011, tanh(x = fisher.moe1)) okd2011$r.moe2.95 <- with(data = okd2011, tanh(x = fisher.moe2))
Graph 'Real world' data
ggplot(data = okd2011, aes(x = income.grp, y = r, ymin = r - r.moe1.95, ymax = r + r.moe1.95, fill = income.grp)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity', color = 'black') + geom_errorbar(stat = 'identity', width = 0.1) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-1,1,0.2), limits = c(-1.1,1.1)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-1,1)) + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Blues')

Test polynomial contrasts ('real world' data)
# n given reported degrees of freedom = 25 corr.cont(r = okd2011$r, n = okd2011$n1, weights = t(contr.poly(5)), labels = c('linear','quadratic','cubic','4th.power'), alpha = .05)
## cont r.diff ztest pval lwr.95 upr.95 ## .L linear 0.54201157 2.91106766 0.00360196 0.1957591 0.7681012 ## .Q quadratic -0.02016769 -0.09673394 0.92293768 -0.4043608 0.3700753 ## .C cubic -0.20820746 -1.01334409 0.31089584 -0.5511124 0.1948598 ## ^4 4th.power 0.23786789 1.16305105 0.24480879 -0.1646551 0.5724730
# n given 27 observations on the scatterplot corr.cont(r = okd2011$r, n = okd2011$n2, weights = t(contr.poly(5)), labels = c('linear','quadratic','cubic','4th.power'), alpha = .05)
## cont r.diff ztest pval lwr.95 upr.95 ## .L linear 0.54201157 2.97367843 0.002942533 0.2040200 0.7645497 ## .Q quadratic -0.02016769 -0.09881448 0.921285570 -0.3971380 0.3626254 ## .C cubic -0.20820746 -1.03513893 0.300604035 -0.5450927 0.1865681 ## ^4 4th.power 0.23786789 1.18806576 0.234807503 -0.1562720 0.5666597
I had to make an adjustment to the sep.var.cont—the degrees of freedom for the welch tests were wrong, and so were their p-values (their ts were right right)Here's how you know they're correct now
# test data set.seed(1234) <- data.frame(grp = rep(letters[1:2], each = 10), dv = c(rnorm(n = 10, mean = 1, sd = 1), rnorm(n = 10, mean = 3, sd = 3))) # here are the numbers we're aiming for lapply(X = c(TRUE,FALSE), FUN = function(assume){ if(assume == TRUE){ t.test(formula = dv ~ grp, data =, var.equal = TRUE) } else{ t.test(formula = dv ~ grp, data =, var.equal = FALSE) } })
## [[1]] ## ## Two Sample t-test ## ## data: dv by grp ## t = -1.9131, df = 18, p-value = 0.07178 ## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -4.2564627 0.1991722 ## sample estimates: ## mean in group a mean in group b ## 0.6168426 2.6454879 ## ## ## [[2]] ## ## Welch Two Sample t-test ## ## data: dv by grp ## t = -1.9131, df = 10.725, p-value = 0.08279 ## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -4.3698997 0.3126091 ## sample estimates: ## mean in group a mean in group b ## 0.6168426 2.6454879
# test sep.var.cont with(data =, sep.var.cont(means = by(dv,grp,mean), vars = by(dv,grp,var), ns = by(dv,grp,length), contrast = c(1,-1), labels = 'test', alpha = .05))
## cont equal.var ihat se t df pval ## 1 test assumed (classic) -2.028645 1.0604 -1.913095 18.00000 0.07177914 ## 2 test not assumed (Welch) -2.028645 1.0604 -1.913095 10.72471 0.08279197 ## lwr.95 upr.95 ## 1 -4.369900 0.3126091 ## 2 -4.256463 0.1991722
I'm curious if any readers know of any proportion data that comes from something like a 2x2 experiment. I'd like to use that as an example.
If not, that's cool. In any case, I hope these are useful!
Happy R,
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